We Only Undertake Surveys Locally, To Give You A Personal Service From A Surveyor Who Knows The Local Area. We are fully regulated by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. The Plan Centre is also able to fully assist you to undertake any extension or alteration using our Architectural Design Services.
RICS HOME CONDITION REPORTA basic visual inspection. This report gives a general opinion about the condition of a property and its contents. Recommended for new-builds and conventional properties.
Prices Start From £350 |
SPECIFIC DEFECT REPORTIf there is a specific issue with your property, you may need a surveyor to make an inspection and recommend certain action. Cracks, subsidence, damp and timber infestation are examples.
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RICS HOME BUYERS REPORTThis report is suitable for most properties of standard construction that have been built within the last 100 years and appear to have been well maintained. The RICS HomeBuyer report is jargon free and provides condition ratings for each element using a scale of 1-3 supported by surveyor comments and recommendations. Prices Start From £350